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Neurobics | Keeping Your Mind Sharp

Home » Our Blog » Neurobics | Keeping Your Mind Sharp

Clinically Reviewed by:
Lindsey Rae Ackerman, LMFT

Written by:
Alex Salman, MPH on February 28, 2024

What is Neurobics? “Neurobics is the science of brain exercise. The primary goal is to help you keep your memory, along with the ability to learn new information.”

Our brains are tailored towards efficiency. When approaching new problems or activities our brains analyze the easiest way handle them and revert to these methods the more we engage in those activities to create a routine and make our lives easier. The bad news is that performing routine activities in such a manner can result in sluggish brain functions and hold us back from utilizing our brains full potential.

Simple exercises can be employed to keep our minds sharp and promote continued brain development. The brain functions through the use of five physical senses which are sight, sound, smell, touch and taste. By engaging these senses in unexpected ways allows connections and nerve pathways that are underused to become activated. The result is a keen and flexible mind prepared to take on any mental challenge it is faced with.

Neurobic Exercises

To begin with, we identify some of the routine activities that our brains have trained themselves to carry out automatically, activities that we do every day without even having to think about.

Taking a shower, for example, something most people do routinely. When we take a shower we probably have all of our allotted products placed in their respective places and carry out the process in an automatic fashion. Try switching up where you put all of your shower things then take your shower with your eyes closed. This will require you to think about the actions you are taking and engage your sense of touch in activities that you usually rely on your sense of sight for.

Another great way to engage your brain is to use your non-dominant hand for some of your routine activities. Whether it’s brushing your teeth, clicking your computer mouse, writing down notes or using your fork to eat a meal. It’s a neurobics activity that can be pretty difficult at first which is why it’s especially efficient for engaging your brain.

Think of a place you frequent such as your home office and do a bit of reorganizing, maybe switch around the placement of drawer contents. It will break the routine action of opening the drawer and reaching for something where your brain has taught itself to go without even having to think. Move your pen stand to the other side of your desk or reorganize the desktop on your computer.

Try taking new routes to work or other places that you commute to on a regular basis. If you walk your dog on the same route everyday try a new route, switch up your regular environment and go to a park you haven’t been to before. Another way to switch up your environment is to go to different stores than the ones you frequent to do your shopping.

Get creative and think of your own exercises that break the mundane and routine actions of everyday life and kick your brain into action. The benefits of a healthy and active brain can be felt in all aspects of life, boosting memory and focus to give you an edge in pursuing your passions and attaining a higher quality of living.

Neurobics at Clear Behavioral Health

Neurobics is used at Clear Behavioral Health to help with the process of recovery and the growth we look to help each individual achieve. The change in our daily habits can help us break the bad habits and create new and better ones as well. Our our skilled therapists work with each person towards creating a new lifestyle in which the person can live a positive life with out drugs or alcohol. If you or a loved one are in need of addiction treatment, contact us today.

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