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How to Determine if a Loved One Needs Addiction Rehab, and What to Do Next

Home » Our Blog » How to Determine if a Loved One Needs Addiction Rehab, and What to Do Next

Clinically Reviewed by:
Lindsey Rae Ackerman, LMFT

Written by:
Alex Salman, MPH on February 23, 2024

The struggle with addiction has long been a pervasive and alarming issue in the United States, impacting the lives of individuals, families, and communities in every part of the nation. Over 46 million people aged 12 or older met the criteria for having a substance use disorder in 2021, per statistics released by SAMHSA earlier this year from their annual National Survey on Drug Use and Health. What’s more, an astonishing 94% of people aged 12 or older who met criteria for a drug or alcohol addiction did not receive any treatment at all, according to the recently-released report.

The stakes are particularly high when one considers the severe health consequences, strained relationships, financial hardships, and potential legal issues that are the hallmarks of addiction, leaving many individuals with a host of challenging issues to address without the support system and appropriate clinical interventions with which to do so.

Recognizing the need for quality, evidence-based, and comprehensive addiction treatment (and identifying and treating the underlying, simultaneous mental health issues) is critical to getting the help needed to begin the recovery process. 

At Clear Behavioral Health, we’re here to help determine if you or a loved one would benefit from addiction rehab services or other treatment options by providing insights into the signs of drug addiction to help you better understand the various ways in which engaging with addiction treatment can begin the recovery process to lead a more fulfilling life.

Recognizing the Signs of Addiction

Identifying the signs of potential addiction is a critical step in better understanding the potential need for addiction-based rehab services. Ongoing drug or alcohol use is not always apparent, but several physical, behavioral, psychological, and relational issues are typically present during a struggle with addiction that can help you to indicate that your loved one would benefit from treatment:

  • Physical signs, such as rapid weight loss, a sudden loss of hygiene, and deteriorating physical appearance may be observed, along with frequent illnesses or unexplained injuries
  • Behavioral patterns and disturbances, including withdrawal from previously-enjoyed activities and a sudden desire for isolation, can also frequently be noted
  • Psychological and emotional struggles, often seen as a sharp increase in irritability, a lack of motivation, neglect of responsibilities, and experiencing increased anxiety or depression are frequently experienced by those struggling with addiction
  • Relational difficulties, as evidenced by strained or neglected relationships, increased conflicts, and a loss of connection can also be signs of an underlying issue with addiction
  • Performance-related issues, such as a decline in professional or academic performance, a sudden loss of income and other financial consequences, or even legal issues arising from addiction-adjacent activities

Understanding Addiction and the Necessity of Rehab

To better understand the potential need for addiction rehab, it’s vital to understand addiction as a chronic, relapsing condition. Society at large has often attempted to view addiction as a character flaw, a moral failing, or as something resulting from a lack of willpower, none of which accurately describe the antecedents for addiction and have contributed significantly to the stigma that surrounds it. 

Current research and studies show that addiction is a disease caused by a complex interplay between biological, psychological, and social factors, often known as a bi-directional causality, or one in which all the above-mentioned domains can and will influence one another. Simultaneous struggles with mental health conditions, in particular, can contribute to the development of substance abuse and addiction, and in fact, serve as an underlying cause of many addiction-related disorders. Known as dual diagnoses or co-occurring conditions, addiction is almost always intertwined with mental health issues. This illustrates the need for comprehensive treatment for both substance abuse and mental health at the same time. 

Furthermore, addictive substances and behaviors take over the brain’s natural reward system, resulting in a repeating cycle of physical and psychological cravings which lead to ongoing usage, a pattern that can be nearly impossible to break without the appropriate treatment and support. It’s notable that attempting to quit on one’s own can often result in a host of negative consequences due to withdrawal symptoms, which can range from extreme discomfort to even death, depending on the substance in question. 

Indeed, attempting to overcome addiction alone is a daunting and overwhelming task. Attending an addiction rehab treatment center provides specialized, holistic therapy and a structured treatment environment to address the multi-faceted challenges of dependency. Rehab programs can provide crucial resources, treatment, and support to help individuals to navigate each aspect of their recovery, attending to all the underlying issues that factor into addiction. Additionally, a trained professional staff of clinicians can assess the unique needs of each individual—as no single treatment approach is appropriate for everyone—to co-create a holistic, co-occurring treatment plan specific to your needs, far increasing the chances of cultivating a successful recovery process in the long term.

The Ways in Which Addiction Rehab Can Help

Quality addiction treatment programs will seek to address all the critical points of the issue, particularly at the stress points that many people fail to overcome on their own. The ability to provide patients with a full spectrum of services and environments in which to heal is vital to lasting sobriety and success. Most will think of rehab facilities as only offering inpatient or residential treatment with 24/7 monitoring and structured treatment options, but a high-quality provider will also offer several levels of inpatient and outpatient treatment for a comprehensive recovery environment. This should include partial hospitalization programs (PHP) and intensive outpatient (IOP) programs after a patient has completed their stay at an inpatient addiction facility, in addition to ongoing care and post-rehab programming which may include sober living.

Treatment centers such as ours can help those struggling with addiction to address any necessary detoxification issues, allowing them to safely curtail their usage of alcohol, benzos, opioids, and other drugs under around-the-clock supervision. With the help of an addiction medicine specialist, a treatment center can help avoid any potentially fatal consequences of your loved one attempting to detox on their own. Clear Behavioral Health aims to untangle and address the underlying mental health needs through individual therapy and medication management that contribute to addictive behaviors at every level of care. We provide your loved one with new tools and coping strategies to better understand and deal with underlying mental health issues and triggers for usage, along with new coping strategies to help develop new and healthier habits.

Clear Behavioral Health can also address the genetic and environmental factors at play by providing family therapy, creating a supportive environment for both the individual and their family members to address familial and interpersonal dynamics at play in addiction. Opening and encouraging new patterns of communication helps to rebuild strained relationships and assist family members in reconnecting with their loved ones. Group therapy also plays an important role in comprehensive, co-occurring addiction treatment by dismantling the isolation experienced by those struggling with addiction, providing a safe space in which individuals can share and process their own experiences, gain new insights from others experiencing similar issues, and develop a new sense of accountability towards their recovery process. 

Additionally, Clear Behavioral Health’s detox and rehab facilities also offer options for continuing care after the primary treatment programming is complete, including sober living—which allows individuals to engage in a structured community and peer support in the early-recovery stages—and ongoing access to support groups, aftercare, and an alumni community for continual support and guidance for the ongoing recovery process, providing an important sense of community and the reinforcement of relapse prevention strategies. 

Starting the Conversation to Get Help

If you suspect that a loved one is struggling with addiction, then it’s important to broach the subject with empathy and concern. These can be difficult conversations to have, but honesty and clear communication are critical ingredients for success, along with leaving behind any personal judgments or blame. Try to select a time when both parties are calm, and express your concerns with respect and care. You can highlight the specific issues you have observed, along with emphasizing the impact addiction has had upon their lives and the lives of those around them. 

It’s essential to create a safe space for an open dialogue and uncomfortable emotions, allowing your loved one to share their own thoughts, feelings, and concerns about their usage and the idea of attending addiction rehab. Remember that there may be denial associated with their usage, and individuals struggling with addiction are far likelier to overcome this by receiving genuine and compassionate concern from their loved ones rather than ultimatums or demands. 

Finding Appropriate Resources and Treatment

It’s essential to identify the appropriate resources to begin addiction treatment that aligns with your loved one’s needs, yet doing so can be overwhelming for the uninitiated. Clear Behavioral Health can assist individuals and families in locating the appropriate services for their ongoing care, offering comprehensive treatment services tailored to address every level of addiction-based and co-occurring issues. Our team of dedicated, experienced professionals provide personalized treatment plans, evidence-based interventions, and a supportive environment for recovery, across several levels of inpatient and outpatient care. We’re proud to be in-network with most insurance plans, and can also make referrals for any adjunct services required or requested. 

The recovery process is lifelong and attainable with the proper treatments and support systems in place. Early intervention for addiction and mental health issues is critical to increasing your loved one’s chances for sustained success, as is a non-judgmental and supportive outlook from their family and friends. Seeking help is never a sign of weakness; rather, it’s a courageous step to take toward beginning the healing process and reclaiming a fulfilling and meaningful life. By recognizing the signs of addiction, understanding its complexities, and supporting your loved one’s ability to access the appropriate treatments, you can assist them to embrace the changes necessary to take the first step towards living a vibrant life and long-term recovery with the assistance of Clear Behavioral Health.

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