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Generalized Anxiety Disorder Treatment

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Anxiety Disorder Treatment in Los Angeles, CA

Anxiety disorders have become extremely common. This is especially true among those who struggle with substance abuse. This condition can also worsen when stressful events happen in the abuser’s life like divorce, financial issues, the birth of a child, or leaving a job. Getting back to feeling normal can take a little extra help. It can be even harder if addiction is at play. At Clear Behavioral Health, our Los Angeles generalized anxiety disorder treatment helps patients dealing with anxiety and a variety of other mental disorders.

Our expert multidisciplinary clinical team harnesses many therapeutic modalities to treat anxiety disorders. We serve each client individually and address address anxiety symptoms and other physical symptoms that are affecting the individual. Our therapists and case managers are skilled at helping clients identify their triggers for stress and anxiety and teach them how to manage them and live free of anxiety.

If you or a loved one is struggling with anxiety, contact us today. We’ll start their journey towards a balanced and healthy life.

What is Generalized Anxiety Disorder?

Anxiety disorders are a normal emotional reaction to stress, and often it is a healthy response to specific events. In daily life, anxiety is necessary for survival. When faced with potentially harmful triggers, your body reacts by going into a fight-or-flight response. This is an instinctual biological response. The flight-or-fight response enables us to avoid danger. However, acute anxiety is dangerous when small events become intense triggers. Common triggers include changes to health, money, work, and family life. There are several types of anxiety disorders but the most common one is known as Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD).

An anxiety disorder is when the fight-or-flight response is triggered in non-stressful situations. People who suffer from generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) feel anxiety frequently, even if the reaction is out of proportion. It’s important to identify in your loved one when symptoms are a normal response, and when their anxiety is spiraling out of control. You might decide they need treatment.

Knowing how to differentiate between healthy and harmful anxiety can determine if your loved one needs help.

Anxiety disorders are characterized by:

  • Excessive worry
  • Feelings of tension
  • Physical changes
  • Unexpected panic attacks
  • Difficulty concentrating

Physical symptoms include:

  • Sweating
  • Enhanced awareness
  • Increased heartbeat
  • Nausea and abdominal cramps

If you suspect you or someone you know suffers from an anxiety disorder, seek help from a mental health professional. Treat generalized anxiety disorder and other anxiety disorders at our Los Angeles mental health treatment program. We also conveniently offer virtual therapy programs.

How We Treat Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) can develop in anyone. The symptoms are similar to other stress-triggered mental disorders. People who are prone to GAD also might suffer from paranoia and obsessive-compulsive disorder. If someone you know presents symptoms of GAD, you’ll want to help them seek professional help. But it can be hard to identify if your loved one has GAD or a different disorder, which is why we schedule clinical assessments in order for a mental health professional to appropriately diagnose generalized anxiety disorder. Treatment for GAD typically includes both medication and therapy. Each approach is based on an individual client’s needs.

At Clear Behavioral Health, we treat anxiety by teaching our patients how to manage stress. We walk each individual through the steps necessary to deal with anxiety. We focus on a combination of therapeutic and relaxation techniques, as well as coping skills for managing stress. Remember that feeling anxious is a natural response.

Experiencing occasional anxiety is not always an indicator of a mental health condition. To reduce anxiety and stress in your life, however, a person can make some simple lifestyle changes. Some common holistic techniques to cope with anxiety include:

  • Reducing caffeine intake
  • Maintaining a healthy diet
  • Establishing a regular sleeping pattern
  • Avoiding alcohol and recreational drugs

As a center for also know for dual diagnosis treatment, we also have the resources to help patients with anxiety and addiction. If someone you know needs help for these co occurring conditions, contact us today.

Find Help for Anxiety Disorders

We never make assumptions about a person’s life or experiences. We pride ourselves on being providers of outstanding mental health care and anxiety disorder treatment that is both effective and long-lasting.

Signs and Symptoms of Generalized Anxiety Disorder

Signs and symptoms of generalized anxiety disorder vary depending on the individual. The symptoms can make it difficult for a person to deal with social situations.

This difficulty adds to stress and overall anxiety. Several symptoms can constitute GADs. These include:

  • Constantly feeling “on-edge”
  • Excessive restlessness
  • Difficulty paying attention
  • Feeling an uncontrollable sense of worry
  • Difficulties sleeping, such as issues staying or falling asleep
  • Increased sense of irritability.

You’ll experience some of these symptoms in normal life. However, if you have GAD, you’ll experience these symptoms at extreme levels persistently. If you see these traits in your loved one, it’s time to get them help so they can live a happier life. Contact us today to start their treatment journey.

What are the Risk Factors for Anxiety Disorders?

In the United States, 40 million people suffer from an anxiety disorder. It’s one of the most common mental illnesses in the country. Unfortunately, less than half of those people seek or receive treatment for their disorder.

The reasons why people suffer from excessive stress can be complex. They may only have one episode of intense anxiety. Others may have other disorders that lead to anxiety symptoms. Even more people may have experienced many factors leading to constant anxiety. Some possible causes that may lead to GAD include:

Genetics. People who have family members who suffer from anxiety disorders are more likely to experience it themselves.
Environmental Stressors. Experiencing difficulties within one’s family or at work can make you prone to GAD.
Brain Chemistry. GAD sometimes results from a misalignment of electrical signals and hormones.
Medical Factors. The effects of medication can cause a disorder to develop. Other medical factors include the presence of another disease or the stress of prolonged recovery.
Use of Illicit Substances. The abuse of drugs can intensify your chances of developing GAD. Going through withdrawals from addiction contributes to developing anxiety.

Types of Anxiety Disorders

  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

  • Social Anxiety Disorder

  • Panic Disorder

  • Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Generalized Anxiety Disorder Treatment in Los Angeles

Our Clear Behavioral Health team helps clients connect to others in meaningful ways in our mental health outpatient program. In doing so, we’ve noticed reductions in anxiety symptoms. Constant stress and anxiety can be extremely debilitating. It can significantly impact a person’s daily life. Our programs include therapy and counseling. We aim to help your loved one manage these struggles every step of the way until they’re ready to.

Our anxiety treatment program is in-network with most major commercial insurers. Call us today to find out how we can help you or a loved one live an anxiety-free life.

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Mental Health & Addiction Treatment in Los Angeles

Your Next Step Is Clear

If you are interested in learning more, call our expert clinical team today at 877-799-1985, or by requesting more information on our Contact Us Form.

We look forward to helping you develop you, or your loved ones, plan for recovery.

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What people are saying.

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    I can’t say enough good things about Clear Behavioral Health. The care that I received was exceptional. The staff are very professional and committed to providing outstanding treatment. They go out of their way to cultivate an atmosphere of compassion, awareness, and recovery.

    Ian D.
  • star star star star star

    The multi-pronged approach; the counselors, individual therapy, nutrition, sympathetic/empathetic counselors of each group session shifted my brain paths. You are never finished there, even when you “graduate”, they hold alumni group sessions when you feel you need it. I have nothing but gratitude for their program.

    Marci B.
  • star star star star star

    Clear Behavioral Health is my second family that I never knew I had that supported me and continues to passionately support the sober community. The therapists, counselors and group facilitators have been amazing in helping me have a voice, loving myself again, and seeing the world in a new light. I am eternally grateful.

    Liz R.
  • star star star star star

    From the get go, the staff made me feel welcome and were all very friendly. My therapist and case manager were also very helpful and supportive throughout the whole process. I found that the somatic therapy was the most valuable for me, the therapist who ran those groups was great. My biggest takeaway from treatment was to take the time to pause, not be afraid to ask for help, and not worry about things in the moment. If you are looking for meaningful change and being part of a new and supportive community, then Clear Behavioral Health is the right fit.

    Lina A. 19 | Dual-Diagnosis
  • star star star star star

    Overall I loved the experience and did not want to leave. The staff was very helpful and motivated me to stay even when I felt like running away. I also built meaningful connections with my therapist and case manager who gave me a lot of useful advice and are still supporting me today. Since leaving, my family and sponsor have noticed a big difference, and I could not recommend a more supportive environment for addiction and mental health treatment, Clear saved my life.

    Emily B. 27 | Detox
    Mental Health Services and Addiction Treatment in Los Angeles
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