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What is Technology Addiction?

Home » Our Blog » What is Technology Addiction?

Clinically Reviewed by:
Lindsey Rae Ackerman, LMFT

Written by:
Alex Salman, MPH on March 7, 2024

With technology being integrated into everyone’s everyday lives, it is quite impossible to avoid any encounters of it. Technology is almost an essential for advancement in the human race. From medical, professional, and social environments, technology has been an aid for progression and development. Within a matter of seconds, forms of finding information, communication, and entertainment can be found in the palms of the hands. Despite advancement with the help of technology, there is an outbreak of relying heavily upon it, which can lead to a form of addiction. Technology addiction can be constituted as the continual routine and usage of anything electronic in which health and social issues arise because of its affiliation. Being excessively dependable on technology and technological platforms can induce behavioral addiction, such as compulsive conduct engagement and a mental and physical dissociation.

What Are Signs of Technology Addiction?

A common misconception of an addiction is in order to be highly fixated, there needs to be a drug or substance consumed. If the body can go into a state of euphoria, or extreme happiness, non-chemical addictions can transpire and become an unhealthy routine. As a whole, society almost indubitably needs technology as a way to endure and strive in the world people live in today. However, there can come a point where an over-dependency can develop. This can lead to mental and social disorders.

These health and social disorders can include some of the following:

    • Frequent updating statuses on social media platforms.
    • A constant uploading of pictures, typically selfies.
    • An obsessive checking for text messages.
    • A sense of social detachment.
    • A content feeling while on the internet.
    • A lack of passion in professional and social occurrences.
    • Anxiety, boredom, and agitation when not using technological devices and applications.

Side Effects of Technology Addiction

Just like a drug addiction, a technology addiction comes with its side effects. Some side effects vary from one person to another; but, the most common side effects include some of the following:

  • Disinclination to accomplish and finish other responsibilities due to time spent using technological devices or social media.
  • Difficulty with concentrating.
  • An isolation from the social world
  • A decrease in social skills.
  • Slower process to problem solve.
  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Aggression
  • There can be several signs of an internet addiction; however, a more common notion to look for is the need for constant dependency on technological devices.

Why is Technology Addictive?

According to the American Psychiatric Association, an addiction can be classified as “an intricate state of mind connected with a cognitive ailment that is evident by an obsessional tangible entity that can produce detrimental results.”

Just like intaking a substance such as drugs or alcohol, technology can influence and exhilarate the brain’s reward and pleasure core, that is handled by the brain’s neurotransmitter, dopamine. Technology consummates an organic desire for invigoration, communication, and physical and mental modification.

The need for brain stimulation from technology raises the quantity of the functional and nervous liveliness of the mind and body. At any moment the body endures stress or a form of dismissal, technology can be an immediate metaphorical pharmaceutical aid to releasing tension. A screen in front of the eyes can also be an avoidance of reality and social dullness.

Forms of technology addiction can include some of the following:

Social media:

    • Social media can create a quick connection of human interaction in a matter of seconds. Forms of validation is easily accessible in the online world, leading to social media addiction.

Video games:

    • Video games contribute to the psychology of feeling knowledgeable, adequate, prosperous, and connected. With an assortment of characters and being able to change their qualities, there are ways embody a life outside of one’s own while being able to be in control of almost every aspect.

Smart phones and tablets:

    • Smart phones and tablets are portable devices and appliances that have the ability to unite and associate with others and information. They can also make several of everyday tasks simpler to accomplish.

There is Help For Technology Addiction

One of the center cores for developing an addiction to technology is connection in some form. With the support of technology, a sense of analogous interactions can be created with companions and strangers. Regardless of the instant way to relate, a constant unhealthy use of technology can create a harmful craving and yearning for comfort and acceptance.

A constant desire for connection from technology develops a reliance from the technological platforms and applications. A longing for an intimate bond behind a screen leads to a dissociation from reality and constructs a theoretical and abstract conception of it. A technology addiction can be difficult to self-diagnose; however, when correctly identified, there are treatment centers that can lead to a road of recovery.

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