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How To Get Time Off Work For Stress?

Home » Our Blog » How To Get Time Off Work For Stress?

Clinically Reviewed by:
Lindsey Rae Ackerman, LMFT

Written by:
Alex Salman, MPH on February 23, 2024

Paid and Unpaid Leave Is Available for Employees Experiencing Stress and Burnout

It is unspokenly clear that if you have a physical ailment or contagious disease you should stay home from work to recover. Same goes for giving birth. But what about the less obvious conditions such as burnout, depression, and anxiety that could lead to more serious physical disabilities if left untreated? Is taking time off to treat mental health an option for you?

In short, yes it is. Keep on reading to find out how.

What are the causes of work related burnout, stress, and anxiety?

  1. Heavy workload
  2. Lack of control
  3. Unclear job responsibilities
  4. Toxic work culture
  5. No support

What are the causes of work related burnout, stress, and anxiety?

  1. Feeling tired or exhausted
  2. No enthusiasm, and feelings of negativity toward your job
  3. Inability to perform your job
  4. Conflicts with others, both at and outside of work
  5. Difficulty sleeping
  6. Irritability towards co-workers

How to treat burnout?

  • Meditation or mindfulness practices
    • Studies have shown that meditation decreases stress and anxiety, and increases focus and concentration. It can also have direct physical benefits: it helps to decrease blood pressure, increases blood flow to the heart and decreases muscle tension.
  • Exercise/physical activity
    • Exercise can provide stress relief and help your body and its systems practice working together through those effects. It has also been shown to improve your mood and lower symptoms of mild depression and anxiety.
  • Creative pursuits
    • Creativity can help focus the mind, and has been likened to meditation due to its calming effects on the brain and body. Simply spending some time in the garden or painting releases dopamine, a natural antidepressant. These activities have been shown to reduce anxiety, depression, and stress and it can also help you process trauma.
  • Therapy
    • Therapists can help you understand your work stress and learn proven techniques for managing it. Consider intensive treatment programs that are specific to treating workplace related trauma and burnout, more on that below.

What does time off for burnout, trauma or anxiety look like?

First, see a mental health care provider

If you find yourself feeling burned out from work, it is a good idea to seek professional help. Schedule a consultation with a licensed psychiatrist who will go over your situation and symptoms to determine if you are eligible for medical leave, as well as discuss your treatment options. 

Meet with your HR department about leave options.

If eligible for leave, your doctor will provide you with a note that you can present to your employer or HR department. Please note that legally, employers are obligated to care for your wellbeing in the workplace. Depending on the employer, you might also be eligible for short-term disability. Be honest about your situation and discuss all of your possible options.

Do I need to take leave from work for treatment?

The decision of whether to take a leave of absence is a personal choice that you have to think about and decide with your doctor. It is recommended especially if your condition is getting in the way of performing your job, however it is not an option for everybody. 

Whether or not you take medical leave, a doctor will often recommend that you be admitted into an outpatient therapy treatment program to maintain your leave. These programs can be virtual with flexible scheduling and are fully covered by most insurances. These programs include individual and group therapy for 3 hours a day, 3 days a week. You will learn how to identify triggers, incorporate mindfulness based practices into your routine, recognize unhealthy thoughts and behaviors, and learn coping skills and strategies so you are ready to integrate back into the workforce. 

It’s important that you are healthy so that you can perform at your best, and that means both physically and mentally. If you feel yourself burning out, consider stress leave and intensive treatment as a possible best option for you.

Workplace Related Trauma and Burnout Treatment in California

If you or a loved one is struggling with workplace related burnout and anxiety, Clear Behavioral Health can help. We employ evidence-based practices formulated by our clinical team to deliver the best possible care for our clients.

Don’t suffer alone any longer. Call Clear Behavioral Health today to find out how we can get you one step closer to returning to work with a new sense of vitality. 

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Are you a good fit for an intensive outpatient program?

I struggle with burnout, depression, or anxiety

I am exhausted and no amount of sleep seems to help

I feel overwhelmed by the amount of work I need to do

​​I have tried talk therapy and need more support

Has a clinician referred you to IOP treatment?