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Alumni Spotlight – Liz R.

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Why did you decide to get sober, or what turn of events lead you to Clear Behavioral Health?

I was abusing drugs, primarily heroin and cocaine and my parents knew I was struggling. My parents sought out treatment for me and gave me a choice to go face the Feds or go into treatment. It was presented to me as an option and I luckily chose Recovery.

How has your perspective on life changed since beginning recovery?

The world has color today before it was black and white. I felt isolated and like an outsider. I feel a part of today. I tackle things head on. I work with others to make things happen instead of feeling like it is all on me to figure it out. I have a voice and I can speak up in a gentle but firm way to make a difference. I feel like an active member of society. I smile more. I definitely smile more.

What have you learned about yourself in recovery?

I learned that I have a big heart. I learned that if I don’t see a direction of where to go I tend to fall backwards. I can easily be influenced by negative things but my experience in recovery has shown me a path and once I committed to it, I felt more confident and things ahead don’t look so gloomy and daunting. Previously if I was confronted with goals and plans I would get scared and kind of fall off track.

If you could reach out to someone new in recovery, what advice would you give to them?

You don’t have to pretend to be someone you’re not. It’s okay to have negative feelings and we don’t have to pretend like we’re always happy. Stay connected and find someone you trust and feel comfortable with and really open up to them. That’s a start.

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