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8 Ways to Manage Your Computer Use

Home » Our Blog » 8 Ways to Manage Your Computer Use

Clinically Reviewed by:
Lindsey Rae Ackerman, LMFT

Written by:
Alex Salman, MPH on February 23, 2024

The internet can be an informative and entertaining tool for us, especially because of its easy accessibility. It is easy to quickly pull out your laptop or phone when you need a question answered or are simply just bored and want to pass some time. Though it may be a helpful tool for our everyday lives, overuse of the internet can lead to real problems. Because of the internet’s convenience, without effort you can become heavily reliant upon it. If you or someone you know has been struggling with a problematic use of the internet, there are a few steps that can be taken to help avoid complete addiction to it. This article may help you find some ways to avoid a Computer and Internet Addiction. In the event you or someone you know find it difficult to go through the steps of avoiding Computer and Internet Addiction and are unable to control your usage, you may be suffering from an Internet Addiction Disorder and should seek professional help.

Could You Be Addicted to the Computer or Internet?

Let’s get one thing clear, using the internet is almost necessary in our lives. Without the internet, several jobs and advancements in society would not be possible. Because of our jobs and school, we almost can’t afford to avoid all contact with the internet. It is important to realize that we should not feel guilty for having to use the internet for our professions and academics. Once we step out of our work and school world and result to the internet for an unhealthy recreational use is when we should be concerned for our health.

Managing and controlling your internet usage can be done by adjusting and supervising the time you spend on it. If you find yourself spending a large amount of time on your computer and are looking for alternatives to reduce your time, there are some helpful ways that can assist in limiting the time spent behind a bright screen. Some helpful activities will be discussed in this article.

A Word with a Professional

An interview about avoiding a Computer and Internet Addiction was done with Cory Brosch, a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT) and Program Director at Clear Behavioral Health in Redondo Beach, CA. He specializes in addiction treatment including substance abuse and gaming technology. Brosch believes, if you are questioning whether or not you may have a problem with an Internet Addiction Disorder, you may first want to look into how your internet usage is impacting your life. Is your internet usage affecting you in parts of your school, professional, and relationship life? Are you disassociating yourself from others because of your computer and internet usage? He further discussed, a good way to manage and control your computer and internet usage is to have boundaries with yourself and the time you spend online.

A set time on your computer and internet usage can be a starting point on tracking your overall time spent. During the interview, Cory Brosch expressed what else could be done to try to sidestep from developing a problem with your computer and internet usage. Brosch stated, if you are looking for ways to steer clear from a heavy dependence from the computer and internet, replace your internet usage time by focusing on places you want to grow and develop in. Look into places in yourself you want to strengthen either mentally or physically. He also mentioned, If you feel like you are struggling with your computer and internet usage, it is recommended you talk to a professional. Often times, process addictions, such as a Computer and Internet Addiction, can be tied to anxiety and depression. There are other ways to attempt to avoid a Computer and Internet Addiction that you can discover as you further read.

1. Time Yourself

Set a timer for an allowed amount of time and make a commitment to stop using the computer as soon as you reach your target. By setting a timer for the time you spend on the screen, try to make a promise to yourself to stop using the computer as soon as you reach your goal. Setting a timer is also a productive way to finish your work.

2. Prioritize Your Time

If you have important errands, chores, or work to finish, it is best to focus on those responsibilities first rather than to jump on your computer and surf the web. Procrastinating while on the computer can take away time you could be using to finish other tasks. A good way to concentrate is by noting all the tasks you need to complete on a list. Put your best effort into them to get them all done.

3. Exercise

A good way of avoiding Computer and Internet Addiction is by participating in healthy physical activities. Physical activities are a good way of keeping your mind and body focused on other things not on a screen. You don’t necessarily need a gym membership to work out. There are other ways of working out with no cost, such as running, hiking, or a nice walk with a view. There are also free local exercise groups. Group exercises are not only good for your health; but, they are also a great way of socializing and making new friends.

4. Mute Any Unnecessary Notifications

Social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Snapchat, and so on, make it easy to receive notifications on the latest news from our family, friends, and the world around us. Some of the news we see on our feed can be distracting and time consuming. By turning off your notifications, you will be less distracted and obliged to read on the latest post. In cases for important and emergency reasons, people who need to contact you will most likely have your phone number. Turn off your facetime calls and audio from iPhone or you can switch your facetime on pc click here to know.

5. Lend Your Computer to Someone

If you feel you have tried every distraction to avoid overusing the internet, try giving your computer to someone you trust for monitoring. Build a schedule on the times you can use them for recreational use. If you want to use the internet on your devices, try your best to follow the schedule.

6. Volunteer

Another good and very helpful way to avoid a Computer and Internet Addiction is to volunteer. There are several non-profit organizations that can always use an extra hand. You can also volunteer at places such as the following:

• Animal rescue shelters.
• Food Pantries.
• Local libraries.
• Art Museums.
• Retirement Homes.

7. Read a Book

By now, you know that reading is a great way to learning new knowledge. Reading a book improves your ability to focus and concentrate. In addition to improving our focus and concentration, reading can bring relaxation, inner peace, and tranquility. Find a cool comfortable location and dive your nose into your favorite or new book.

8. Mediate

If you feel you are overusing the internet, try meditating. Meditation makes the pituitary gland in your brain to release endorphins that can help increase your mood. Some research has also shown that meditating can reduce blood pressure. Meditating has various benefits for your health. Try closing your laptop and clearing your mind with some meditating.

Finding a Healthy Balance

With a healthy balance of the internet and engaging in healthy activities such as the ones discussed in this article, it is possible to avoid a heavy dependence of the internet. Remember, if you have trouble finding a balance of your internet usage in your everyday life and feel you may be suffering from an Internet Addiction Disorder, a safe way of seeking assistance is by contacting professional and medical help.

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