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Bipolar Disorder

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Bipolar Disorder Treatment Near Los Angeles

How does Bipolar Disorder affect everyday life? It affects both the person suffering and the loved ones helping them cope. Bipolar Disorder constitutes severe depressive episodes and mania. This causes intense emotional instability. Substance abuse and anxiety can further complicate this mental health disorder. At Clear Behavioral Health, our bipolar disorder treatment near Los Angeles can help. We’ll create a treatment plan so your loved one can live a stable and fulfilling life.

What is Bipolar Disorder?

Two trademarks of bipolar disorder are:

Depression manifests as despondency, lethargy, and hopelessness. Other symptoms can include:

  • Lack of interest in activities
  • A change in eating or sleeping habits
  • Thoughts of suicide
  • Concentration issues

Mania refers to highly emotional actions and risk-taking behaviors. Symptoms of mania include:

  • Irritability
  • Impulsive behavior
  • Over-alertness
  • Restlessness
  • Distractibility

These episodes can occur intermittently but are typically consistent.

Bipolar disorder also complicates social interactions. It makes everyday activities difficult. People with this disorder are significantly more likely to abuse drugs and alcohol. This might lead to a drug or alcohol addiction that can also be treated at Clear Behavioral Health.

How We Treat Bipolar Disorder

Addressing Bipolar Disorder requires peeling back layers. We have to understand the full extent of a patient’s individual disorder. This requires supervising a person through both depressive and manic episodes, or mixed episodes. A mixed episode can trigger suicidal thoughts (depression) that coincide with joy (mania).

Our treatment involves recognizing the full effect of bipolar disorder in our patients. This disorder affects:

  • Energy level
  • Sleep
  • Behavior
  • Judgment
  • Activity
  • Ability to think clearly

At our Bipolar Disorder treatment in Los Angeles, we spend time with the patient to learn everything about their disorder. From there, we develop a plan towards treatment. Treatment also means understanding and accepting this is a lifelong condition. Our knowledgeable staff at Clear Behavioral Health can teach your loved one how to manage mood swings and other symptoms.

Bipolar disorder treatment begins with medication and careful monitoring of medicinal effects. Medicine does not work for everyone. Professional supervision is necessary. It can help to determine whether this is a long-term solution for each patient.

Medications that help with bipolar disorder include:

  • Lithium, which goes by brand names like Lithobid or Eskalith. This stabilizes moods during depressive or manic episodes.
  • Atypical Antipsychotics. These can be combined with other drugs like Seroquel (quetiapine) or Risperdal (risperidone). These help to treat bipolar disorder symptoms.
  • Anticonvulsants, anti-seizure drugs to help manage symptoms.
  • The patient can take this specifically to treat depressive episodes. Combined with other medications, they can also address manic episodes.

Medication is used in accompaniment with behavioral therapy. Many people with bipolar disorder need individualized therapy. This helps them understand and accept bipolar disorder.

At Clear Behavioral Health, some of our therapy programs include:

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy
  • Interpersonal therapy
  • Psychoeducation
  • Family therapy

Our Programs for Bipolar Disorder

Our therapy programs for Bipolar Disorder are what set Clear Behavioral Health apart. Therapy is a critical part of any patient’s treatment plan. Each is designed to help that patient manage their disorder.

Some of these therapy programs include:

  • Family-Focused Therapy. This form of therapy incorporates family members in building coping strategies. It works to create a cohesive family unit capable of supporting the person with bipolar disorder.
  • Psychoeducation. This provides full education on the disorder and treatment options. It empowers the individual to recognize changes in behavior and take steps to manage them.
  • Cognitive Behavior Therapy. This removes concerning choices and behaviors. The aim is to decrease negative thoughts that lead to bipolar episodes.
  • Interpersonal and Social Rhythm Therapy. This involves strengthening interpersonal relationships for support. It empowers patients to manage daily life choices.

The programs are adapted to suit each patient. A treatment plan can also include substance abuse and addiction treatment, if applicable.

At Clear Behavioral Health, we will determine the best route for your loved one’s recovery. Our compassionate approach will tackle the full scope of their physical and mental health. We’ll track progress and get your loved one ready to manage their illness.

Bipolar Disorder Treatment Near Los Angeles

We never make assumptions about a person’s life or experiences and pride ourselves on being providers of outstanding mental health care that is both effective and long-lasting.

How Bipolar Affects Sufferers

Without treatment, bipolar disorder can worsen over time. It can cause even further strain and turmoil in a person’s life. The episodes can lengthen and occur more frequently. This is especially true if bipolar disorder goes undiagnosed.

Sufferers can exercise poor judgement in a manic episode that leads to dangerous decisions. A person in a manic episode might see themselves as a superhero or invincible. This can lead to physically dangerous situations. A person in a depressive episode might have suicidal ideations and can potentially act on them. They can also become withdrawn and refuse to eat or sleep, further complicating physical effects.

In addition, bipolar disorder can go undiagnosed because it mirrors other illnesses. A co-occurring issue might be anxiety of substance abuse. Co-occurring disorders can strengthen thoughts of suicide and lead to very dangerous decisions.

Families are also sufferers of bipolar disorder. Relationships can be strained or even broken when a person is dealing with bipolar disorder. It is a complicated, life-long condition that requires understanding and education for everyone.

Our staff at Clear Behavioral Health recognizes that family members are part of this healing process. We incorporate suffering family members into treatment plans.

Signs & Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder

Bipolar disorder can be devastating when untreated. The number and frequency of episodes vary based on the type of disorder your loved one is experiencing. The symptoms tend to be consistent across the episodes with the severity ranging based on type.

This disorder breaks down into three specific types. These include rapid-cycling bipolar, Bipolar I, and Bipolar II. Each requires its own approach to treatment:

  • Bipolar I Disorder. This constitutes a mix of manic and depressive episodes. Manic episodes can last one week, and depressive episodes last two weeks or more. Manic episodes can be intense enough to warrant immediate medical attention.
  • Bipolar II Disorder. This involves more severe depression episodes and less severe mixed or manic episodes. The severity of the episodes is in comparison to Bipolar I.
  • Not Otherwise Specified Bipolar Disorder. This is also known as BP-NOS. Patients receive a BP-NOS diagnosis when their actions and symptoms are not normal but do not meet criteria for Bipolar II or Bipolar I.
  • Cyclothymic Disorder. This is also known as cyclothymia. It presents as mild mania and depression episodes occurring over two years.
  • Rapid-Cycling Bipolar Disorder. This diagnosis is for people suffer from four or more episodes of mania, depression, or a mix within one year.

Bipolar Disorder Treatment at Clear Behavioral Health

At Clear Behavioral Health near Los Angeles, our facility gives individuals the time and space needed to find the stability to live a productive life. With a multidisciplinary team of mental health professionals, we can help you get your life back on track. Learn more about our intake process and contact us today at 877-799-1985

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If you are interested in learning more, call our expert clinical team today at 877-799-1985, or by requesting more information on our Contact Us Form.

We look forward to helping you develop you, or your loved ones, plan for recovery.

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    I can’t say enough good things about Clear Behavioral Health. The care that I received was exceptional. The staff are very professional and committed to providing outstanding treatment. They go out of their way to cultivate an atmosphere of compassion, awareness, and recovery.

    Ian D.
  • star star star star star

    The multi-pronged approach; the counselors, individual therapy, nutrition, sympathetic/empathetic counselors of each group session shifted my brain paths. You are never finished there, even when you “graduate”, they hold alumni group sessions when you feel you need it. I have nothing but gratitude for their program.

    Marci B.
  • star star star star star

    Clear Behavioral Health is my second family that I never knew I had that supported me and continues to passionately support the sober community. The therapists, counselors and group facilitators have been amazing in helping me have a voice, loving myself again, and seeing the world in a new light. I am eternally grateful.

    Liz R.
  • star star star star star

    From the get go, the staff made me feel welcome and were all very friendly. My therapist and case manager were also very helpful and supportive throughout the whole process. I found that the somatic therapy was the most valuable for me, the therapist who ran those groups was great. My biggest takeaway from treatment was to take the time to pause, not be afraid to ask for help, and not worry about things in the moment. If you are looking for meaningful change and being part of a new and supportive community, then Clear Behavioral Health is the right fit.

    Lina A. 19 | Dual-Diagnosis
  • star star star star star

    Overall I loved the experience and did not want to leave. The staff was very helpful and motivated me to stay even when I felt like running away. I also built meaningful connections with my therapist and case manager who gave me a lot of useful advice and are still supporting me today. Since leaving, my family and sponsor have noticed a big difference, and I could not recommend a more supportive environment for addiction and mental health treatment, Clear saved my life.

    Emily B. 27 | Detox
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